25 March, 2008

How Fragile We Are

At first, whenever i listened to the radio as a child, details such as artist name, song name and album used to pass by my ear; I never noticed them.

One of the first songs that caught my ear and made me want to learn its name and name of its singer was Fragile.

Nothing Like the Sun was the first album I bought, in audio tape format.

Later I heard Vardina Cohen sing a Hebrew version of it. It disappointed me, maybe because I didn't like her voice that much, or perhaps her rendering "how fragile we are" as "You are so fragile" jarred my ear.

Anyway, I made my own Hebrew version.

At first, I had no access to the Internet, and the tape I bought had no lyrics booklet in it. So I made up my own words, titled "Esa Einai."

Later I translated the original song, here.

I also recorded myself singing the "Esa Einai" version, to be found here.

I consider Sting's version of "Fragile" in "Nothing Like the Sun" one of the most beautiful songs ever sung under the sun.

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